Hardwood Floor Refinishing & Repairs

(778) 536-0192
hardwood floor repair

Hardwood Flooring Tips From A Pro

floor refinishing vancouver

Hardwood flooring is beautiful and charming and is one of the most popular flooring options on the market. This type of flooring will never go out of style and adds value to any home, so it is a great investment that is worth considering. Additionally, hardwood floors are both durable and natural and are very easy to maintain, so if you are looking for a long-lasting solution, hardwood flooring is the answer.

In terms of installation, the first step is to measure the room so that you can order your flooring accordingly. Measure the width and length of the room and multiply that number so that you know the room’s square footage. It’s important to order an additional 10 to 15 percent extra when placing your order because waste and the cutting of irregular boards is part of the process. Next, you’ll have to consider the flooring moisture content because hardwood needs to acclimate in the rooms that it’s going to be installed in for a few days so that it can adjust to the temperature and humidity. Failing to do this will cause gaps and buckling, so it is recommended that you leave the wood in the room for several days to prevent any problems. You need to know what the moisture content of your wood planks are right from the start, and you should also know what the moisture content will be in the room where it will be installed, as this will lead to a successful installation.

This type of flooring needs to be installed on a solid subfloor that is structurally sound. If possible, figure out the direction of your floor joists and install your plank flooring perpendicular to the joists. It’s also recommended that you have a proper tool setup, as this is key for a successful installation. Place your compressor and saw stand in a convenient spot that would allow you to access it easily, after which you can begin the nailing process. You need to face- nail the first row and the following two rows should be blind-nailed because this will conceal the nail heads inside the joint of the floorboards.

After these boards have been installed, layout a few planks to visualize length and colours and then start on the fastening process. Flooring finish nailers will speed up the fastening process because it will fire thin nails that drive easily, and you won’t have to worry about the wood splitting. If you prefer to use a mechanical fastener to hold the floor down when installing your hardwood flooring, you can use cleat nails or staples. Cleat nails are more expensive, so staples are generally more popular because of their price point.

The experts at Seawest Hardwood Floor will provide you with more information, and our team will gladly answer any questions you may have. We specialize in hardwood floor refinishing and repairs, so if you are in Vancouver, contact us today!